Commercial Carpentry

Commercial Carpentry Service in Worcestershire

Where craftsmanship meets functionality. We understand the unique demands of commercial spaces and are dedicated to delivering solutions that not only meet but exceed expectations. From educational institutions to corporate offices and healthcare facilities.

Ready to discuss your project?

Commercial spaces require a delicate balance of aesthetics and practicality. At Cottrills Carpentry, we excel in creating environments that reflect professionalism, efficiency, and a commitment to quality. Our skilled team specialises in all aspects of carpentry, from structural elements to intricate finishes.

What sets us apart is our dedication to collaboration. We work closely with our clients to understand their unique requirements, branding, and functionality needs. Every project is a partnership, and we ensure that the final result aligns perfectly with our clients’ vision.

The two photos below are from our project at Myton High School, where we were tasked to replace the toilet cubicles in the boy’s and girl’s toilets.

Project Showcase

Take a look below at some more examples of our Commercial Carpentry Service. 

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